GOP Plays Complain & Blame Game Best

What’s Most Important to GOP?

Republicans complain and blame better than anyone.  Over the last few months, all we heard from Republicans was that inflation, crime and border policy were the most important issues facing American families.  You would think that tackling those issues as soon as they come into power would be their highest priority.  

Well, you would be wrong.  

Don’t Look at What We are NOT Doing:  Look Over Here Instead!

Republicans want to focus all of their energy into investigating Hunter Biden’s laptop, impeaching President Biden and investigating Dr. Fauci.  They want to blame the Trump insurrection of January 6th on Antifa or the FBI. As well as pursue many other Radical Right Wing fever dreams.  

None of these fever dreams have anything to do with fighting inflation, fixing immigration or reducing crime. 

In fact, even Albuquerque’s Police Chief admitted that the obsession with crime was always a bunch of crap.  As he posted the day after our most recent election…

Republicans Only Complain and Blame:  They Never Resolve…

A recent House Hearing on inflation was boycotted by the entire Republican conference.  Not a single Republican felt tackling inflation was worth their time to attend.  Republicans are not serious about governing when complaining and blaming works so well for them.

Republicans never have an interest in solving problems because it is more impactful to complain about problems & blame them on Democrats.  Then they go on right wing media to complain/ and blame more. They get wno meaningful push back from the propaganda networks on the conservative right. 

Republicans rarely have any policy ideas as their main strategy is to obstruct everything Democrats propose and never be challenged to actually propose a real solution to anything.  

In the run up to the mid–terms, the GOP was pushing their “Commitment to America”.  One of the pillars of this “plan” is to provide “a nation that is safe…”.  This included securing our southern border and reducing crime.  

Someone please explain how investigating Doctor Fauci accomplishes either of those objectives. They are empty words from an empty party that has no plan or policies other than attacking marginalized communities and people they don’t like.

When is the last time you have ever seen a comprehensive plan to address any of the major issues facing every day Americans coming from this vacuous Republican Party?  


Do Democrats have the perfect solution to every problem?  No, we do not.

None of us would ever claim we do but at least we are trying to propose solutions with no contributions from the Party of No.  All they do is obstruct any progress.

The Republican Party is the Party of No

No gun reform

No climate action

No affordable health care

No voter rights

No free lunches for poor people

No Social Security

No Medicare

The only thing you can count on Republicans to really rally behind is tax cuts for the wealthy and easier access to guns for everyone.  Other than those two priorities, Republicans have little interest in anything other than conservate judges to continue eroding our rights and stop Democrats from doing anything to help everyday Americans.

This is evident from the actual voting records of Republicans in the current legislative session.

Nearly every Republican voted against funds for baby formula, veteran benefits, lowering price of insulin, and lowering the price of gas.

Why would they do that?

They do it so they can continue to complain and blame. They also know that right wing propaganda networks won’t question them about their hypocrisy. Even if they were brave enough to go on an MSM outlet, they could simply cry fake news and their base would believe them.  

Republicans are propped by Right Wing Propaganda Media Outlets.

Republican politicians and right wing news media are on the same side. Their sole objective is to deceive their viewers/constituents and gaslight the nation. 

They do it well.

We can’t count on the mainstream media to push back against the complain and blame game Republicans play so well. So it is up to us to push back in any way we can.