He Who Speaks Last Wins
The last message they hear is the most important message. This is especially true for elections. The people who decide our elections are typically those who are clueless about what is going on in our politics. They only check in to vote and they vote according to who is last to speak to them.
That’s why it’s so important that the last message they hear is from us. We need to make sure that the message they hear is about the GOP threat to democracy, the attack on women’s rights, and the other issues that matter to us. If we can do that, then we’ll have a chance to save our democracy from the illiberal intentions of the Republican Party.
But we can’t do it alone. We need each of you to talk to your sphere of influence now. We need you to convince them that this election is important and that they need to vote for Democrats up and down the ticket. Only then will we be able to save our democracy. Commit to GET 3-5 people to the polls. Don’t simply ask them to vote, call them to make sure they vote or take them to the polls yourself to ensure they vote.
What’s at Stake in This Election?
This election is about more than just who will control the legislature for the next two years. It’s about whether or not we’re going to save our democracy, itself, from the authoritarian intentions of the Republican Party and whether President Biden will be able to pass ANY legislation at all. Republicans have shown that they will vote against EVERY bill proposed by Democrats simply because they want Democrats to fail so they can propose themselves as the solution. It doesn’t matter to their voters because Reps will simply lie and take credit for the bills they voted against.
The GOP, now dominated by extremist ideologies, has shown time and again that they will trample on the rights of marginalized communities. We have seen GOP state legislatures pass numerous abortion bans, attempt to ban books in schools, attack LGBT rights, and continually try to strip away basic human rights.
These actions are not just targeted attacks on certain communities, but a threat to all Americans’ freedom and bodily autonomy. This election presents an opportunity for voters to reject GOP extremism and fight back against these attacks on our rights – the future of our country depends on it.
GOP lawmakers have launched attacks on LGTBQ+ Americans, stripping them of discrimination protections and even enacting legislation allowing for the denial of healthcare based on gender identity. This election is about more than just policies and politics – it’s about our fundamental human rights. Now more than ever, it’s essential that we come together to protect and defend them by voting against GOP extremism in November.
What Can You Do?
The first step is convincing independents and moderate Republicans that this election is important and that they need to vote for Democrats up and down the ticket. Only then will we be able to save our democracy from the GOP threat. Each of us has a sphere of influence. And each of us has the ability to talk to those people in our sphere of influence about this election.
So I’m asking you, to talk to your sphere of influence about this election. Convince them that this election is important and that they need to vote for Democrats up and down the ticket. Only then will we be able win this election and save our democracy.
While high gas prices may be temporary, living under an authoritarian regime is forever. It’s easy to get caught up in being fiscally conservative or worrying about one’s own personal financial success. But let’s not forget that without democracy and a respect for human rights, none of that matters. So talk about the issues that really matter and make sure people understand the gravity of this election for our country’s future. Encourage your sphere of influence to Vote Democrat and protect our democracy and save it for our children’s children.
The Power of Persuasion
In order to win elections, it is essential to persuade those who are undecided or apathetic about politics. These are the people who typically don’t pay attention to what’s going on in Washington until it’s time to vote. And when they do finally tune in, they often make their decision based on whoever was last to speak to them.
You may not consider yourself a persuasive person, but the truth is that you have more influence over others than you might realize. You have the ability to sway the opinions and actions of your friends, colleagues, and even strangers. It’s time to harness this power and use it for good.
Talk to those in your inner circle about important issues and encourage them to take action. Talk to coworkers about promoting diversity and inclusivity in the workplace.
This is why it’s so important that we make sure that the last message they hear is one that reflects our values and speaks to the real threats that our democracy is facing. We need to be proactive about this and reach out to them NOW, before it’s too late.
The GOP Threat to Democracy
One of the biggest dangers posed by the Republican Party is their attacks on democracy itself. From voter suppression efforts to gerrymandering, they have shown time and again that they are willing to subvert the will of the people in order to maintain power. This is a grave threat to our country and one that we must not take lightly.
In addition, the Republicans have also been waging an all-out assault on women’s rights. From restricting access to abortion and contraception to rollbacks on protections for survivors of sexual assault, they have made it clear that they do not believe women should have control over their own bodies. This is a dangerous precedent that must be stopped.
Democracy is not a spectator sport—it requires everyone’s participation to function properly . The events of 2020 have shown us just how fragile democracy can be . But they’ve also shown us that we are not powerless against those who would seek to destroy it . Each of us has a role to play in safeguarding our democracy for future generations . So let’s roll up our sleeves and get it done even for those that don’t realize the risk we are in.