Former President Donald Trump announcing that he is running for president again has set off a Republican civil war. Trump has single-handedly disrupted the plans of the political elites of the GOP. After the disastrous losses incurred by the GOP in the 2022 midterm elections, establishment Republicans blamed Trump for his choices of candidates. And, they were right to do so.
Democrats were able to brand these Trump-backed candidates as too extreme for politics. Republicans, being the cowards they are, have never stood up to Trump and are now paying a steep electoral price. Party leaders want to rally around budding authoritarian Governor Ron DeSantis instead of Trump, and early polls say that there is support for this.
Trump Not Going Quietly Helps Dems
Trump won’t go quietly into the night and I would argue that anything we can do to incite more of a Republican civil war helps Democrats. A possible split in support could also be accomplished with an independent run by Trump. Anything that splits their base and votes is a win for Dems and democracy.
Here’s why.
The Republican Party Is Splitting Anyway
Whether we like it or not, the Republican Party is already splitting apart at the seams. There are those who support Trump and his policies, and then there are those who want nothing to do with him. There doesn’t seem to be much middle ground anymore. So, why not just let them go their separate ways?
You can see signs of this division everywhere. Rupert Murdoch’s Wall Street Journal and Fox News both recently wrote negative opinion pieces about Trump and his harmful impact on the party. In the Guardian, Murdoch speaks out against a Trump run.
A Trump Run Would Help Unite Dems
While some Democrats may not like the idea of a Trump run in 2024, I would argue that it would actually help unite the party behind whoever our nominee ends up being. Trump is still immensely popular with his base, and a large portion of the country still supports him. If he were to run as an independent, he would siphon off votes from whomever the Republican nominee ends up being. And that’s something we should be encouraging, not discouraging.
It’s no secret that the Republican Party is in disarray. (no Dems in disarray narratives allowed here). They are trying to figure out how to fix the mess that they’re in and it’s only getting worse. Establishment Republicans are at odds with die-hard MAGA cultists and there doesn’t seem to be any middle ground.
Trump is the Gift that Keeps on Giving
This internal conflict is a gift to Democrats because it weakens the Republican Party as a whole. In order for Democrats to take back control of the House, hold the Senate and retain the White House, they need Republicans to be divided and fighting amongst themselves. We should do everything in our power to foster this Republican civil war.
At the end of the day, a Trump run in 2024 is something we should be rooting for as Democrats. It would help split the Republican Party even further and give us a better chance of keeping the White House in 2024. So let’s not stand in his way and let him continue to destroy the Republican Party by running again.
Who knows? We might just be thanking him come 2025.
The civil war within the Republican Party is a gift to Democrats because it weakens them as a whole. In order for Democrats to take back full control of Congress and keep the White House, they need Republicans to be divided and fighting amongst themselves.
Besides, Republicans in Disarray just sounds so much better.